
Do we make dreams come alive?

We transform your ideas into amazing realities! With more than 20 years of experience in creating trade fair stands and an innate passion for ephemeral architecture, we are here to bring your dream spaces to life. 

In each project, we put our heart into every detail. Our commitment to quality materials and meticulous treatment is reflected in every corner of our designs. 

We are more than builders; We are creators of corporate identities. We design decorative elements that defy convention and embrace innovation at every step. Our specialization in carpentry, supported by our own workshop, allows us to shape your ideas with precision. Blacksmithing is our canvas and steel is our palette! 

But we don't stop there. With our painting, printing, laminating and vinyl cutting shop, we build each booth from scratch in our facilities. Imagine the process: every color, every detail, everything takes shape under our roof. 


At Block Decorats we have large facilities made up of offices, workshops and space for the logistics of traveling events. In our facilities we have all types of machinery for carpentry, blacksmithing, painting, electricity, metalworking, graphics and printing, laminating and vinyl cutting.

¡Contáctanos hoy mismo y descubre cómo podemos ayudarte!


Do not hesitate to write to us through this contact form. Our team of experts will be happy to listen to you and answer all your questions. We want to collaborate with you in caring for water and preserving the environment.
Polígono Industrial Los Vientos
C/ Cefiro nº3, nave 4 
46119, Náquera
(+34) 96 340 48 35

    Responsable: BLOCK DECORATS S.L.U
    Finalidad: Prestarle el servicio solicitado y contestar a las cuestiones planteadas.
    Legitimación: Consentimiento del interesado aceptando la Política de Privacidad.
    Destinatarios: Los datos no se cederán a terceros salvo en los casos en que exista una obligación legal. En todo caso, los datos que nos facilitas están ubicados en servidores cuya sede se encuentra dentro del territorio de la UE o gestionados por Encargados de Tratamiento acogidos al acuerdo “Privacy Shield”, aprobado por el Comité Europeo de Protección de Datos.
    Derechos: Acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos, así como otros derechos, como se explica en la información adicional.